You will need to pay more for an Air Source heat pump, but it does produce heat more efficiently. These natural heat sources are found in the surrounding air and water and beneath the ground outside. This established company specialises in all types of environmentally friendly technology and can provide you with good advice on which heat pump would suit your needs best and the benefits you can expect. As with the Air Source type, this heat pump can mean an expensive initial outlay, but heat is produced more efficiently and the heat pump system operates silently. Heat pump technology has been around for a long time and systems can last up to 25 years. If you are looking for a hassle free installation then this type of air pump is great as it does not require any ground work or piping. Heat Pump systems are eco-friendly technology that harvest and make use of the often ignored heat sources that naturally occur in the elements surrounding us. This article will give you with a brief and simple overview of the three main categories of heat pump systems readily available on the market Air Source Heat Pumps are the simplest and cheapest heat pump system to install. Using a series of pipe loops the heat pump extracts heat from the ground. If you are looking to obtain 100% of your home heating and hot water from a heat pump system then the Air Source Heat Pump is probably your best choice. The Water Source heat pump is very similar to the first type of heat pump described, but in this case the pipe looping is submerged underneath the surface of water. Copper Pipe Fittings This category of heat pump system taps into the heat source that occurs approximately one metre beneath the surface of the ground where the temperature is a constant 10 degrees.Perhaps you are investigating the possibilities of making your property more eco-friendly? Perhaps it is time to consider investing in a Heat Pump System. Let us now have a look at the next category of heat pump, the Ground Source Heat Pump. You can visit them online at ecovisionsystems. Whichever one you choose you can be sure of reliability and long life span. A relatively quiet heat pump system when in operation, emitting no more noise than a domestic washing machine. Using clever technology heat pumps gather these heat sources, increase its strength and then make this heat available for us in our living spaces and to heat our water. The Air Source Heat Pump is ideal as it can be set-up inside or outside your property, and being only the size of a standard air-conditioning unit it really does not take up too much space. But it is probably best to provide you with a little information on exactly what a heat pump is. As mentioned above, there are three main categories of heat pumps. These are described below. The next category of heat pump are Water Source heat pumps, and as you already know make use of a water source to produce heat. To find out more about the heat pumps systems on the market today why not check out the specialist company called EcoVision. Most oftenly in a stream, river or lake. So those are the main types of heat pumps systems on the UK . This type of heat pump mostly remains hidden from view and is silent in operation

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